Vegetables of this one was good for the konumsi, because carrots are loaded with vitamin A is good for eye health. But besides good untukkesehatan eyes, it turns out carrots are good for beauty. Mix grated carrots and honey and used as a mask bias and is believed to make the skin moist.
There are many benefits of this yellow-skinned fruit. In addition to the delicious fruit in the meal, it turns his skin also have benefits. Banana skin can be used to menghaluskankulit hands and feet by rubbing the inside of a banana skin to the hand or kakiyang rough or chapped.
The fruit contains a lot of this vitmin good for consumption. Tomatoes also contain antioxidants that serve to bind and remove free radicals from the body so that it can slow down premature aging and wrinkles on the face ffects.
Orange is a fruit that is very universal. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C that can help the process of formation of collagen. What do dengankecantikan? Apparently collagen to make skin makes the skin more taut and supple.
Avocado menganung vitamin E is good to keep the skin moist and may make cells more healthy skin.
Apple is a fruit that is rich in enzymes that are good for the body and helps the body digest food properly. Apples are also good for beauty because the apple to accelerate the turnover of dead skin so it can make the skin smooth and soft.
Yogurt is a kind of beverage that tastes a bit sour. In the yogurt contains vitamn B that can maintain healthy skin and hair.
One of the food produced by bees and contains many benefits for health and beauty. How not, many contain vitamins found in honey ranging from vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, also contain antibiotics. Honey can be used as a mask for the face and prevent dry lips, cracked, and peeling.
Now the cheese is the food that suah tidakaneh again. Nearly all foods using cheese, even though cassava cheese. Mengandun tastes good and lots of protein, calcium, phosphorus and fat is good for health. For you who do not know, the cheese can prevent cavities.
Papaya contains vitamin C and fiber are good for the body. Sap also has benefits to make more subtle heel.
Broccoli contains many vitamins are beneficial for health and beauty. Like vitamin C as an antioxidant, vitamin A which is useful for reducing oil production, and vitamin K to prevent bruising.
Almonds contain vitamin E, which also functions as an antioxidant. With lots of vitamin E on a regular basis, moisture levels can be maintained.
For anyone who wants beautiful, have a lot to eat fish! Why? Because fish contains omega 3 which is useful to strengthen the skin, that is, you're less susceptible to skin irritation. Usually a lot of omega 3 found in cod, salmon and tilapia.
Fish oil
Besides meat, the protein in fish oil also prevents hair loss and dry scalp.
Seafood good for hair and skin. Because in seafoof contained iodine and copper are essential for skin elasticity.
Foods that contain potassium such as potatoes
Potassium contained in bananas, potatoes and other green vegetables help the regeneration of new skin cells, making skin look healthy and fresh.
In addition to cheap and readily available, Green could reduce the risk of skin cancer due to antioxidants present in it.
In addition to skin, body parts are lin also must be considered. For example, the two organs are no less important are the bones and teeth. With many foods and beverages that contain calcium, then tlang and dental health to be awake.
Sunflower seed oil
Butter nasam omega 3, omega-6 also has an important role. Among prevent dryness and inflammation of the skin. By eating sunflower seed oil, then you have to maintain the performance of the cells in your body.
This food is the most important and must exist in your daily menu, I think all already know the benefits of green vegetables were so many, both for health and beauty.
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